of Western North America
I have made more posts about foxtail pines than any other trees and it is thus no secret that my favorite conifer is a five-needle pine. There are a lot of thoughts and details about five-needle pines swirling around in my world these days–for better or worse (fires and climate change)–so I figure I’ll add to the story with some updates here.

I am excited to announce that I have joined the board of directors for the Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation. I hope to both gain experiences and be a solid addition to the board. Check out their website and become a member if you find their message important.

Because I have joined the board, and I love five-needle pines, we are launching a webinar in December that will directly benefit the Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation!

In 2020, I helped the California Native Plant Society complete a Conservation Assessment for whitebark pine in California. It is ready for reading.
Lastly, I presented at the High Five II Conference on the status of Klamath foxtail pines. Here is the presentation:

Hi Michael…foxtail is my favorite too. It is sad that so many have been lost this year to fire, but I have faith that their rocky habitats, that all seem to have fire refuges within, will provide some survivors. Thanks for supporting these species, and also for pitching in with the Whitebark foundation…great folks, very passionate. Side note: Grass Lake, out hwy 97, has a layer in the lakebed mud deep down in that limnologists discovered is predominantly foxtail pollen! They were common at lower elevations once upon a time… your friend, Dean Davis
Hi Dean — Thanks for leaving the note. I am concerned about the foxtail stands around Thompson Peak and East Boulder Lakes. Have you heard of any other stands that may have been affected by fire last summer?